Place of visit: Brussels
Further steps regarding the eManifest pilot project were discussed at Brussels. Meeting was chaired by the Commission (DG MOVE) and EMSA and at least 10 Member State representatives (maritime and custom) attended, as well as representatives of ECSA and IPCSA.
First series of eManifest tests has been performed by the participating Member States and Industry associations during the Phase I of the eManifest pilot project (November to December 2016). The tests aimed at evaluating the submission of the eManifest formalities, together with other reporting formalities, using the European Maritime Single Window (EMSW) prototype.
Since then, the prototype was further developed by EMSA to address the feedback provided by the testers, improve the user interface of the system and comply with the requirements which have been defined by the pilot project participants for the Phase II.
At the 3rd eManifest meeting the preparation of the involvement of the Member States and Industry was defined regarding the tests of Phase II of the Project which is scheduled to take place from mid-May until the end of June 2017.
The Phase II tests will aim at assess how the cargo related formalities may be fulfilled using the eManifest in the EMSW prototype, in particular to test reporting by several cargo data provider organisations and to test Customs feedback.
Furthermore, amended versions of the eManifest Business rules and eManifest data mapping document were validated.