Benefits of ITDA membership
ITDA welcomes membership requests from national or international transport, maritime, ports and logistics companies as well as individual experts. Relevant stakeholders which are interested in reaching the association’s goals and objectives may become also Associate members.
How to become an ITDA member
In order to become a member please send the enquiry using contact form providing full name, organization and postal address and the purpose of your enquiry as well as short description and expertise. The process of becoming a relevant type of member is subject to approval of ITDA Board. After the receiving members enquiry the applicant will be contacted. The preference to become of association’s member is given to the experts in transport, maritime, ports and logistics domain whilst stakeholders operating in the domains may become Associate members.
Steps for membership/application process:
- Complete the enquiry as defined above and send it to the ITDA Board. The enquiry should contain request of becoming ITDA member. ITDA may contact a prospective member to specify details or invite to meet in person to express applicant’s opinion;
- The applicants request is reviewed by the ITDA Board within two weeks form receiving all necessary documents or information;
- ITDA Board informs applicant of the outcome providing written motivated decision within one week of its adoption.
If the ITDA Board rejects the request applicant may in written form appeal decision of the Board to the General committee during its regular meeting.
ITDA Members pay membership fee once a year. The membership fee varies from the size and operational capacity of the member and is subject to agreement between ITDA and member.
General rules
The General committee is the highest decision making body of the ITDA.
All Members are entitled to participate in General committee.
The ITDA Members has the following rights:
- Take part in the ITDA administration;
- Receive information about the ITDA activities, relevant documentation and meetings protocols, support, decisions and instructions;
- Participate in the ITDA organized events, submit proposals on the activities of the ITDA and its improvement, to defend own opinion;
- Obligations of the ITDA Members:
- To respect the Statutes of the ITDA and fulfil General committee and Board decisions;
- Regularly pay membership fee;
- With active participation support ITDA goals and tasks realization;
The ITDA Associate Members has the following rights:
- To participate in General Committee with advisory rights;
- Participate in the ITDA organized events, working groups, activities and tasks which are related to the realization of common interests and development of common standpoint;
- Receive relevant information and support;
- Use benefits and services in accordance with ITDA rules;
- Does not have rights to be elected in ITDA institutions;
- The Associate Members does not have voting rights;
- Does not have rights to participate in the discussions about ITDA performance;
- Cannot request to convene or independently convene a General committee;
- Obligations of the ITDA Associate Members:
- To respect the Statutes of the ITDA and fulfil General committee and Board decisions;
- Regularly pay membership fee;
- Support ITDA goals and tasks realization.