International Transport Development Agency (ITDA) in co-operation with State Environmental Service (SES) has started a project “Electronic System for Reception of Ship Generated Waste and Polluted Water (KAUPS)”.
With the help of the new electronic system companies receiving ship generated waste in the Latvian ports will be able to submit information regarding waste reception cases, amount and type of waste in a digital format. It is foreseen by the project that waste reception companies will be able to submit data much faster and easier in comparison to the existing order, fully abandoning the paper format. Submitted information will be instantly available to SES in order to respond accordingly and carry out risk analysis on possible threats and violations. Thereby supervision and control of waste flow in the Latvian ports should be improved.
Projec twill ensure implementation of requirements of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78) and Directive of the European Parliament and Council 2019/882 on port waste reception facilities for discharge of ship generated waste with regard to electronic information submission and control of such waste.
As a result of the project “Electronic System for Reception of Ship Generated Waste and Polluted Water (KAUPS)” will be created, which must be integrated with the State Waste Transportation Registration and Information System (APUS)and International Freight Logistics and Port Information System (SKLOIS), which is used for the data exchange with EU member states.
The project is financed by the Latvian Environmental Protection Fund within the activity "Co-operation projects for development and implementation of environmental policy” under the programme “Multi-sectoral projects”. The project implementation end date is September 30, 2021.